Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 16: Running Stats and Terminology

Well folks, we just passed the half-way point, and because of your faithful patronage, I feel you deserve to see the full cohort of stats we've collected thus far.  But first, I feel I should fully define how we track our stats as we've had some slight misunderstandings recently.

  • Win - Any pull resulting in an instant win prize (or a rare collectible piece, not that we've pulled any)

  • Rare Pieces - In order around the board: Mediterranean Ave., Vermont Ave., Virginia Ave., Tennessee Ave., Kentucky Ave., Ventnor Ave., Pennsylvania Ave., Short Line Railroad, and Boardwalk
  • Pull, Game Stamp - A single property with one code
  • Game Piece, Play, or At Bat - As defined by McDonald's Official Rules, two game stamps/pulls (typically each item is one at bat, the exception being a large fry)
  • Average, Win Percentage - The percentage of wins per plays (i.e. the number of winning stamps divided by the total number of stamps pulled, multiplied by two)
  • Pinch Hitter - Any player who helps out the team by coming with the team on an outing and recording their stats (such as McHundo, McMike, McNeal, Filet-O-Gedeller, McLiz, McJordan and McKristen)
Now that we've cleared that up, here are the various stats:

As you can see, we love to play at home.  They treat us well there, and we respond positively.  We've played a few away series with higher win percentages, but of the 3 locations we've visited most frequently (Our home Stadium, the old Ann Arbor stadium, and Ypsi), we clearly play our best and most consistent McDonaldopoly at home.

As you can see, the fries are leading the way, but the Soft Drinks (including medium waters) are a strong contender as well.  Unfortunately our team much prefers the late night games to early morning games, so the sample sizes for the Hash Browns and McCafe's are much smaller.

Now for the stat you've all been waiting for:

As you can see, McGomez has fallen off his blistering pace lately, but is still batting a very respectable .300, while McHoff struggles to find the rhythm he had last year.  McKyle, batting .344, has recently taken a slim lead over myself, at .333, after taking a day off to rest.  However, I do maintain the team wins lead at 23.  But most importantly, the team as a whole is batting an astounding .301, 10 wins above the projected .250 league average.

With that I'm out.  Stay hungry McFans.

I'm lovin' it,



  1. Another Truly amazing post. I am going to follow up with an expected value post tomorrow.

    Also, just wanted to let everyone know that McRibs will be back at ALL McDonald's locations starting November 2

  2. Haha I'm like half way through all the posts so far, and I gotta say this blog is hilarious.

    You guys might have already mentioned it, but when does McDonaldopoly end this year?

  3. Glad you like it McBarf. November 1st is the last day of McDonaldopoly this year (only 4 short weeks). That's why the day after they release the McRib to keep interest levels up.

    I'm lovin' it,

