Like any rational baseball fan, I decided to do my mourning with some Mickey D's. Fortunately, McCappo decided to accompany me so I wouldn't do anything dire in my moments of sorrow. I wasn't depressed, but I guess I was so upset because of the way the Braves lost the series. They really did have so many opportunities to win their last two games and win the series themselves. But as the great Bob Newhart once said:

Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on.
Next time, Brooks Conrad needs to stop giggling like a little girl, get to where that damn ball is and catch it! But I digress...
So I'm at McDonald's, right? And it's closed, see? So McCappo and I rumble on through the drive-thru and place our orders. This is my first time at our new home field (Stadium), so I was able to get my first medium waters in quite awhile. We also redeemed some of our previously earned prizes. I got a medium fry and a Reese's McFlurry fo free.
When we returned home to peel our winnings, I was kind of nervous. I had been doing alright this year, but I was only a little above average and was still only third on the team. Like I've said in previous posts, I have held high expectations for myself this season, and I didn't believe I was living up to them. Then, something changed...

Fortunately it missed the house but it scared the bejeebies out of us - it wasn't supposed to storm that night (must have been heat lightning). At any rate, I was able to re-compose myself to make the biggest pull of my career (as of 10/12/2010): A Free Smoothie!
Well knock me down and steal ma teeth. I never had me one of dem derr McDonald's s'moothies befo'. Dis' is gon' be gooder'n grits!
In the end, my McDonald's success helped make my day pretty good. It was such a good day for me (3-5), that I ended up taking the team lead with a .375 average. Those are Hall of Fame numbers in my opinion. Yessir, I'm feeling pretty good about that. I still hate Brooks Conrad though.
Ba Da Ba Ba Baaa...
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