McFans, McEnemies, and McTeamates:
I'd like to start by thanking you for sticking with the team through this arduous month. I realize I have not been carrying my weight throughout this process. And I, like Lucille Ball, have "some 'splainin to do."
To start, I do not wish to get into the details of my domestic issues, but I would like to ensure everyone that there was no police involvement, everyone involved is okay, and there will be no separation. There was some miscommunication to the public is all. There was a tragic event and it required my fullest attention. That is the reason I have been MIA for the past week. But I would like to announce that I am no longer on the bereavement list, and I am officially with the team again as of today.
Just as a side note, McGomez can affirm how out of commission I've been with this BL stint. We haven't even played a single EA Sports mini-game in nearly two weeks! That is an impressive feat. (EA Sports. Its in the game. (Official Sponsor of McDonaldopoly))
Now that I have that weight off my shoulders I have some real blogging to get jiggy with. Prior to my time on the BL I was really stepping my game up. I felt like I was hitting my stride mid-month right as we hit playoff time. I made a brilliantly 4-4 solo trip to the old home field. I could cut the tension with a knife when I walked back into our old stomping grounds all alone (one of those McDonald's plastic knives of course, its not like there was that much tension).
I took one step in and they were eying their water cups. It was apparent that they were watering up their mouths to get ready to start spitting in my food. But I was prepared to keep a watching eye over my food preparation. So I walk up to the counter confidently, with a fire in my eye. This McWorker couldn't keep up with my ordering pace. I came out firing on all cylinders. "Give me a 10-piece with a Large Fry, please." She had a rough start as she entered the 10-piece in as a Big Mac (buttons aren't even close to each other on the register) and put it is as a medium fry. But before she could even correct herself, "And could I get a few waters with that, but maybe in medium cups instead of small? Make it 4." Here is when they caught up with me.
The manager made a register visit to help out the young starting cashier. He made some comments about her register form and button work that got her fixed up real quick. Then she asked him about the waters, and he stood firm on the franchise line, "If you want Monopoly pieces you will have to pay full price for those cups." From there a light discussion ensued. I'm sure if the team were there the benches would have cleared, but I knew when I was outnumbered and had to back down once the assistant manager came to the front. I changed my order to a medium coffee and then decided to just use a free smoothie to go along with it and really stick it to them.
Now while all of this was going on a large line began to build up behind me (They only had one register open since this McDonald's does relatively little business since we took our team to the new ballpark.) While I was waiting for my food I kept one eye on those dirty McWorkers and one eye on the competition on my side of the counter. These guys must have been some minor-league hopefuls the way they were ordering. They were ordering large drinks with the thought that they had pieces, they were trying to redeem breakfast sandwiches at 8:30 at night, they were taking time to decide what they wanted! Who doesn't know what they want at McDonald's? It was laughable seeing these guys try to follow my night. They each spent roughly $6 and got an average of 4 total pieces.
Again, it was too bad this was a solo trip or something might have been going down at this McDonald's that night. After my heated discussion with the manager and the McWorker they were not feeling this team. And to be honest, I was not feeling this team either. But my food finally came, I clenched my bag and got out of there before things started getting twittered and Facebooked via their mobile devices.
To get to the point. I ended up with a 4-4 night that night. I pulled wins off both sides of my fry, a win off my nuggets and a win off of the coffee. This night rocketed my average to the top of the team. At the time McGomez was still leading the league, but I decided to get into this batting title race for real and he backed down quickly (because he is a good guy, not because he isn't a man or anything like that). Although McCappo quickly put his hat in that race as well and McGomez has recently decided to reenter that race with some great performances). Sadly for me, only McCappo has a shot at the triple crown (online wins, wins, and average) as I have had a dismal online performance and cannot match his enthusiasm in number of attempts.
Giving Back to the McCommunity
So during my busy week I did get out to a game one time. I made a solo breakfast trip out at north campus (it was a long road stand between going to the old home park and the North Campus McD's for the first time) prior to a big day of tests, interviews, and family business. Clearly with all of that stuff going on, I was wearing a suit and working on my computer during this breakfast endeavor. Because of my confidence even at the away McD's, a homeless man assumed I was the manager of the store. He approaches me asking if I own this place. While I was clearly feeling like I owned the place I did not hesitate to tell the elderly fellow that I am not an affiliated worker with McD's (you never know when it is really a league investigator checking for cheating).
Anyway, I get into a conversation with the fellow only to find out he was "a former boxer ranked 10th in the world for the welterweight division." But things haven't gone his way lately since being attacked by Iron Mike's Tiger in his stand in position on The Hangover and after President Obama and him had lunch and he hit on Michelle. While his stories sounded outlandish, I decided I trusted his character. I asked him what was up and he sat down next to me telling me how he is just trying to get some money together for food. Well, my two hash browns and a coffee had earned me a breakfast sandwich that morning, and lets be honest, I have enough of those. So I tell this gentleman he is welcome to my free breakfast sandwich if he felt so inclined. At this point he tells me he doesn't know what McD's Monopoly is. I was appauled, so I gave this man the most important education a homeless person needs: how McDonaldopoly works. He was somewhat appreciative but was more interested in cash (assuming for McDonald's, but admittedly it could be for booze). The man went to get his sandwich and I quickly packed up my computer and got the hell out of there.
Why are you telling us this McKyle? I'm sure that is what you are all asking. Well this is the lesson that McDonaldopoly needs to teach us all. While the prizes are fun, the food is delicious, and the heart attacks are not until the future, it is really about giving back. When you see someone in need of a sandwich, a fry, some grease, don't hesitate to give up one of your pieces. There are those that are less fortunate out there, and they deserve McDonaldopoly fun too! This game isn't about collecting everything for yourself...oh wait. Yes it is! Damnit! I can't believe i messed up so much. It is McDonaldOPOLY not McDonaldOMMUNISM! Forget what I've said everyone. No one contribute to anyone else, keep it all for yourselves. Like Ash used to say, GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL!
Ba Da Ba Ba Ba
I'm lovin' being back!
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