Jesus Christ...this was not at all how I pictured opening day going for me. During the 2009 Mickey D's Monopoly season, I had a fairly average year. I won some medium fries, got some Coke Rewards points; all the usual suspects were there. However, I've done everything that I could this off-season to put myself in place for a breakout year. I really thought all that Popeye's and Waffle House would've done the trick, but I was wrong...
I started out the season swinging for the fences: Number 10 - Large.
That's right, 10-piece chicken McNuggets (2 pieces), Large Fry (4 pieces), and a medium drink (2 pieces).
***Large drink doesn't come with pieces, so making sure you get a medium drink is key***I really thought this was going to make me the star my mama's always seen me as, but I was wrong.
My first three pulls yielded the usual easy-to-get board pieces, including two Indiana Avenues. Cappo had pulled a "Free McFlurry" and McKyle had a "Free Angus Wrap" so I felt like I was due. What do I get? A free one night DVD rental from Redbox. What the hell is Redbox, anyway? I had to google it when I got home just to understand what my so-called "winner" meant.
According to Wikipedia, "Redbox is an American company that specializes in the vending of rental DVDs via self-service/interactive kiosks...The company's kiosks are located across the United States in fast food restaurants, pharmacies, grocery stores, and convenience stores."
McDonald's is a fast food restaurant, so where's the Redbox kiosk, Ronald?
This is a stupid prize and to top it all off, it expires on November 24th. It's going to take me to at least that date to find a freakin' Redbox kiosk. And even then, it'll take me at least another day to choose between Homeward Bound 2, Kazaam, and The Little Rascals. I'll eventually settle on Kazaam - which should have been the obvious choice all along - even though I'd just watched it last Friday night because it was raining and I didn't feel like getting rejected by every girl at a party that night (but mostly cuz it was raining...really).
Anyway, McKyle ended up getting two free medium fries on top of his free McFlurry, so that didn't help my self-esteem at all. Speaking of fries, they didn't even taste good today. Probably cuz I DIDN'T WIN ANYTHING.
This game is dumb, but I know the odds are in my favor now so I'll keep playing for at least a little while longer. I just hope that girl from my Latino Media class that I always sit behind doesn't smell the lingering McGrease that I am certain to reek of after Day Three; I've been told it's kind of a turn-off.
Ba Da Ba Ba Baaa...
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