Well let me tell you, I do like Taco Bell, but only once in awhile. But McDonald's...man, that shizz is for all time.
Today we did another post-practice McD's run, which is great for me because I'm always hungry then. Only sometimes - like today - I get too hungry and jump the gun. Call me feeble, call me weak, call me Ishmael, but so what? I pre-ate the McDonald's trip. Sue me. I shouldn't be getting anything besides medium waters, anyway.
The entire team hopped into the team bus and headed over-
I am just too fuming mad to continue this post. I can't believe I've been discriMcnated against by a stranger and a teammate in the same day.
Eh, I'm over it. But it is late so I am gonna speed up this blog.
As McHoff is still peeling below the Mendoza Line - embarrassing, I know - I have been riding high ever since I took over the team lead in batting. Some might say that I let it go to my head, but as we all know, players like McGomez who have to scrap their way to the top never let their ego get in the way of the task at hand. I'm in it to win it, and damnit, no one will stop me. No way. Nope.
I will admit, today, McKyle was in the zone. He raised his season average to a respectable .364, which is good for him. However, with my personal pride at stake, I had to play extra hard tonight to remain the top performer of the season.

I'm not one to brag, but to have that high of an average this late into the season is impressive for Hall of Fame-caliber players. Move over Ichiro, it's McGomez Time!
Ba Da Ba Ba Baaa,
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