Just look at the eldest member of the team, McHoff. Last season, as a ripe, young 21-year-old, McHoff held a team-leading average of .354 - a full .250 above this years average (.104 through 10/28). It is clear that 21 is the peak year for McDonaldopoly players, an age currently held by both McCappo and McKyle. I am only 20, so I haven't even hit my prime. Next season, the team's going to be relying on me, and if I'm going to live up to the expectations, I will need the fans full support behind me.

From a mental standpoint, it was great to follow up my most disappointing performance of the season with a solid performance. However, as we enter the stretch run, I plead to the fanbase to fully support the McDonaldopoly team in our quest for success. How can you do that? I'm going to tell you:
1) Change your name on Facebook (or MySpace, Xanga, Livejournal, etc.) to include the "Mc" prefix. For example, "Barack Obama = Barack McObama," "Mickey Mouse = Mickey McMouse," "Ronald McDonald = Ronald McMcDonald."
2) Donate $0.24 (via the paypal link at the top of the page) to the team towards the purchase of medium waters. We've been spending way too much money on McDonald's this month and could use the financial support.
3) Go to McDonald's and order 4 medium waters per person. This will show McDonald's that no one is fading down the stretch, and everyone is behind the McDonaldopoly Movement.
4) While you're at it, duplicate the entire McDonaldopoly team's nightly routine. At 11:30pm, pile into your "team bus" and head out to your local McDonald's of choice. After you redeem your free food items and buy your medium waters, head back home, consume your McFood&Drink, and watch reruns of Boy Meets World.
5) Be one of us for HALLOWEEN!!!!!
You could be...
Look how happy he is!
Just a little slurp-slurp
Guns aren't toys, McKyle, not even fake ones
Nom nom nom
So here we are, looking at the end of a very exciting season, with the best yet to be played. How will it all turn out? You'll have to stay with us until the very not-so-bitter end. While McHoff and McCapppo will be holding down the home Stadium, McKyle will be attacking the Minnesota region while I shall be going after the Indiana. And it's Halloween weekend, as well, so it should be a frighteningly good time.
Ba Da Ba Ba Booo,
I found your blog on the Wikipedia page for McDonaldopoly and I've been following it ever since. I'm glad I've found some fellow-McDonaldopoly players with such sincere passion for the game.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the biggest difference between our style of play (and by biggest, I mean it's monstrously huge) is that I live in Canada. Now, let me begin by saying that I love our true north strong and free. I'm patriotic, I love my country, and I feel a tiny bit ashamed in saying this - but McDonaldopoly in Canada SUCKS. First off, our odds of winning are only 1/6. And we only get game pieces off of the following:
Big Mac
Chicken McNuggets (10 or 20-piece)
Any Egg McMuffin Sandwich (excludes Sausage McMuffin®)
Large French Fries
Medium or Large Soft Drinks
Medium or Large Coffee
Now, I've read that you get FOUR pieces off of large french friends - we only get the standard two.
Now for some solid numbers. My husband and I have been as avid of participants as our bank account will allow. Over this McDonaldopoly period, we've pulled a total of 74 pieces. These are our winnings:
1 McGriddle
1 Medium Rootbeer
2 Regular cones
2 Baked muffins
2 Small fries
1 Snapfish print bundle
I must admit, the only one I got even remotely excited about was the McGriddle (who needs cones in Canada? There's snow on the ground where I live, I'm not about to eat a bloody ice cream cone).
But I digress... I'm not trying to whine and complain and to ask you to let me come live in the States with you - I'm merely trying to encourage you. To let you know how good you have it! Keep on ordering those medium waters (which I tried the other night - and received much sass from my fellow Canadian McDonald's worker, not to mention a kids cup).
Sigh, ba da ba ba ba... I love you guys <3
Great to hear from you McCanada! I agree, that is sorely disappointing. They must have had a few too many Big Macs before designing the McCanadian version. And you only win small fries? We at least win mediums. Canada has a lot of things going for it (cheaper drugs, legalized marijuana, and the ability to buy and install high flow toilets), but after one of our exhibition games in the off season, the team is not a fan of Canadian McDonald's. We went to a Mickey D's outside of Windsor to find our beloved dollar menu had been replaced by a "value menu" where everything cost about $1.30 to $2.00 and at the time the exchange rate was nearly one-to-one. Further, they ran out of McChickens. How can you run out of McChickens? That's a staple menu item. In the end, only McVivek ordered anything there while the rest of us drove back to Ann Arbor in disgust, where we hit up a different McDonald's. But just know, the McNAFTA nations are pulling for you; we're all in this together. (Yes, that is a Red Green reference.) But win big, stick it to the cheapskate who skimped when designing your game and remember,
ReplyDeleteI'm lovin' it,