McRib Round-Up
That's right, you did read correctly. I said
McRib. As some of our faithful facebook followers may have seen, the McRib is returning from its 17 year hiatus November 2nd. However, a few
select locations have been chosen for early release, including our very own home stadium. McDonald's rewarded the team in a way much bigger than a free medium fry last week when they brought the McRib to Ann Arbor. And we weren't about to let this opportunity go to waste. So here's the promised round-up:

McGomez and myself set out one night for our standard 5 to midnight McDonald's run. (11:55 being the perfect time for a late-night run, as he has worked up an appetite at water polo and we get there just before close to give a warm goodnight to some of our favorite stadium employees.) And to our surprise and delight, we hear a different pre-recorded greeting. "Welcome to McDonald's, now featuring the McRib Value Meal. Please order when ready."

Well, being the seasoned veterans we are (my seasoning is a little bit of salt, with a pinch of paprika and pepper, while McGomez is a spicy tabasco marinade, with onions), we are always ready by the time we hit the drive-through speaker. But McDonald's just threw us a huge backdoor curve on a 3-2 count when we were expecting fastball all the way. We can't get a few McDoubles and our token 8 medium waters now. But we hang in there and throw the bat out. Starting with the unchanged, I order a small McFlurry (free, of course), and our 8 medium waters. We make contact, fouling it off we stay alive. While I've been ordering, McGomez had time to think. Now, the pay off pitch comes: we order 2 large McRib value meals (with medium drinks of course).
*SMACK* It's going back, back, oh, lands short of the wall, but we're in there with a stand up double. No fairy tale ending here folks, only a double. No home run. The McRib was pretty good. Some sort of processed pork sausage-ish meat, shaped into ribs, covered in barbecue sauce, with pickles and onions, on a roll. The sauce was the real let down here. Had they splurged for a better quality barbecue sauce, the sandwich could have been great. Instead it was just really salty, slightly slimy, with pungent aroma. But you don't even have to chew hash browns; the grease lets them slide right down you're throat. And they're
delicious. So I wouldn't discount the McRib just because of a little slime. All-in-all, it's an experience I'm proud of, happy to have under my belt, and I may throw the McRib in every now and then as a change of pace while it lasts, but it's not going to replace the standard McDouble + McChicken order any time soon.
Now a short pause for station identification:
This is
McDonaldopoly: I'm Lovin' It, broadcasting out of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Follow us at or on Facebook. Tell all your friends. And remember, I'm lovin' it.
Now back to our regular programming:
As promised, the other adventures:
A New Record
Last night we had a full bus load roll out for the (almost) midnight run: McGomez, McHoff, Filet-O-Gedeller, 4 Piece Gedeller (the younger sister of Filet-O), and myself. We rolled through and I was feeling generous so got everyone a medium fry. And honestly, I can't spend the free fries at the rate I'm winning them; one a trip was too slow.
Then, when it came to ordering some waters, I counted up, multiplied by 4 (the carrying capacity of a drink holder) and came to 20. So I went for it. That's right folks, we have a new single order water record:
20 medium waters. After a brief pause and a request for confirmation, we pulled forward, paid, and were granted 20 medium waters. So many waters in fact, that after filling up 16, they brought in a relief cashier to finish the final 4. And let me tell you, that starter had been throwing some heat because when we got back and peeled, our two pinch hitters and McHoff went 0 for 13 combined. The only one who could get a hit was McGomez. Back to form, McGomez went 2 for 4 with both wins being free small smoothies. I was lucky, McGomez forced them to go to the bullpen, and that reliever just wasn't dishing like the starter. Getting those last waters, I matched McGomez's 2 for 4 performance, although lacking the power. I only had one free smoothie and a free medium fry. Stay posted for pictures of the 20 medium water triumph.
Team Breakfast
This morning, after a good sprint and calisthenic workout, McHoff, McGomez, and McSelf went out for a McBreakfast. Long story short, McHoff pushed for too many medium waters early in the morning and they just weren't having it. After ruining it for all of us, he got the sole hit (an angus snack wrap), while McGomez and I went 0 for. But we still came out ahead, factoring in the previous night's success. McKyle is notably absent from this team breakfast. He was benched due to personal issues, and while I am not at liberty to discuss them here, they're very similar to
this. Also, we had high hopes for a rookie, McMason, who had just been called up from the minors. But apparently her skill and dedication hadn't increased at the rate her fitness did (she just ran a marathon), and she was unable to wake up for the breakfast. However, we're still looking at getting her, as well as a few other prospects, including McJordan and McLiebs, a few plays by the end of the season to help them develop as we look forward to future seasons.
That's all for now but remember,
I'm lovin' it,