Whenever you start something as far-fetched as McDonaldopoly, it's hard to tell what will come of it. Will anybody read it? Will they think it's funny? Will they follow us? Will anybody care?
As I recount the past month of McDonald's Monopoly, I realize that I gained so much more than the memories of driving to our home "Stadium" 10 minutes until close every night, ordering 20 medium waters + $17 of free food we won off of the previous week's trips, and returning home to pull our game pieces. Actually, that's all I gained because I had been playing 2 hours of water polo everyday so I burned off all those calories. Hey, how ya feelin' McHoff, McKyle, & McCappo?

Over the weekend, I traveled to Purdue University for a water polo tournament, and my other team stopped off at a McDonald's in La Grange, IN on the way down. Mind you, it was the final weekend of the granddaddy of all McPromotions, and the La Grangians came in droves for the occasion. This provided a very positive atmosphere to play in, which is key when you're playing a road game. While they denied me a medium water purchase, they couldn't hinder the rest of my plays, as I went 2-3 amongst the Hoosiers to bring my season average up to a respectable .274.
Upon returning to the Dirty Deuce (Ann Arbor for our out-of-state readers), I met up with the team for one final match on Monday, November 1st - the last day of McDonald's Monopoly 2010.
Having learned a few days earlier that the Stadium McDonald's had "run out" of medium drinks with monopoly pieces on them (I wonder why?), we turned to the Ypsi McDonald's for our last hurrah.
After we each put in our orders for our last batch of free food items we had won, McCappo asked for "20 medium waters, please."
The cashier clearly had not been briefed on our high skill levels, but he put in the order nonetheless. After we got through the paying portion of the journey, we headed for the pick-up window, where we were greeted by 20
small waters.
Aw, hell no.So we drove back around to clarify the situation only receive 20 medium waters sans pieces from quite the unappreciative worker. After all we have done for McD's, we are still getting grief from them. I'm telling you, they should seriously consider adopting a McDonald's version of the Starbuck's gold card just for us - we've earned it.
We actually tried going to the Washtenaw McDonald's after our disheartening Ypsi visit, but we were unable to obtain any pieces there, either. With our resources all dried out, we came to a sad conclusion:
our run...was done.I'm gonna let the McOthers handle the final statistical breakdown of this season, but I would like to turn your focus (for now) towards next season. As such, I would like to introduce to you...
1) McHoff will rebound from his disappointing 2010 campaign only to have his highlight reel pull of Ventnor Avenue voided after the tapes reveal he had worked in an area McDonald's over the off-season.

2) McKyle will retire at the end of the season when rehabbing his every-growing hips proves to be more difficult than initially assumed. However, midway through the 2011 season, when McChieber - McKyle's replacement - is charged as an accessory to the Hamburglar's horrendous Harrisburg Happy Meal Heist, McKyle Brett Farves it out of retirement to bat .387 down the stretch.

3) McCappo, upon overcoming his addiction to McDonald's, becomes a spokesperson for the fast-food awareness organization Cholesterol Unawareness is Maddening...and no one really believes him.

4) McGomez tries to overcome his PR flap in 2010 (see Frygate) by batting over .400 for the first 3 weeks of the season. However, a visit to a local improv comedy show ends in a busted gut for McGomez and an abrupt ending to his fairy tale season. However, his pre-injury performace regains his favor with the fans and his jersey sales go through the roof.

5) We still won't understand why we are doing this.
Well, that's the end of the 2010 season. I hope you enjoyed watching as much as we enjoyed playing. Don't leave us just yet, though, because there is plenty of shocking statistical analysis to follow. In addition, stay tuned as we are sure to explore other easy-to-obsess-over activities until the start of the 2011 McDonaldopoly season.
Ba Da Ba Ba Baaa,